Singapore Gives Grace Period for Meeting Compliance of TS RG-SEC Requirements for Residential Gateways
Singapore Gives Grace Period for Meeting Compliance of TS RG-SEC Requirements for Residential Gateways

Singapore Gives Grace Period for Meeting Compliance of TS RG-SEC Requirements for Residential Gateways

The Infocomm Media Development Authority (“IMDA”) of Singapore released enhanced security requirements for new home routers in 2020. These requirements were included into the technical specification “Security Requirements for Residential Gateways” (TS RG-SEC) that should become mandatory from October 12, 2021. However, after receiving lots of requests from manufacturers and supply industries, the IMDA took a decision to postpone the implementation of the TS RG-SEC requirements till May 1, 2022. After this date, any home router model that does not comply with the technical requirement set out in the IMDA TS RG-SEC couldn't be sold on the market of Singapore. 

Thus, one should apply to the IMDA for registration of the home router. If it meets the requirements of TS RG-SEC, the IMDA registers the model. Moreover, when the home router meets the requirements of the TS RG-SEC, the 1st level of cybersecurity provisions is granted within the Cybersecurity Labelling Scheme (CLS) of the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) by default. Thus, after registration the equipment should have the IMDA's Compliance label and the CSA's Cybersecurity Label.

Please, note that if models don't meet the requirements of the TS RG-SEC, these models can be imported only for re-export purposes and not for the Singapore’s market supply.

The full text of TS RG-SEC itself you can here.

The information has been prepared by the GMA Consult Group team.

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November 9, 2021

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