Kazakhstan Significantly Updates Certification Policy
Kazakhstan Significantly Updates Certification Policy

Kazakhstan Significantly Updates Certification Policy

The Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan notifies all participants of foreign economic activities about changes in the national conformity assessment procedure. According to the new Decision # 368 “On repeal of certain Decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan” issued on June 10, 2020, the Decision # 367 “On mandatory confirmation of conformity procedure of products in the Republic of Kazakhstan” was voided.  

The Decision # 368 brings the national requirements in compliance with the valid legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan as well as with the provisions of the Treaty of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Thus, as in the case of the Decision # 367, we could see that it was adopted in order to implement the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Certification” that required to have the list of products subject to mandatory certification and the declaration of conformity established. Now, this law is terminated and instead of it the law “On Technical Regulation” is valid that does not contain any requirements to the list of products subject to mandatory certification and the declaration of conformity.

However, please take into consideration that Kazakhstan is the EAEU member. It means that at least EAEU technical regulations requirements have to be implemented if you want to put the product in the market of Kazakhstan.

The information has been prepared by the GMA Consult Group team. GMA Consult Group provides a full cycle of international type approval and global market access services for IT, Telecom and industrial electrical products in all countries throughout the world. With proven expertise in worldwide regulations, compliance, certification, and conformity assessment, GMA Consult Group can help your company speed up the access to any market with almost zero efforts from your side. Need your own guide to the world of certification and approvals? Don't hesitate to contact us via info@gma.trade.

July 17, 2020

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