India Announces Extension of Mandatory Certification for Certain Products in Phases III and IV
India Announces Extension of Mandatory Certification for Certain Products in Phases III and IV

India Announces Extension of Mandatory Certification for Certain Products in Phases III and IV

The Telecom Certification Division of the Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC) of India issued an amendment notification in April 2024. This notification informs interested parties about the extension of the mandatory certification deadline for certain products under the Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecommunication Equipment (MTCTE) procedure within Phases III and IV. The deadline has been extended by four months from April 1, 2024 to August 1, 2024.

Additionally, the deadline for accepting test reports issued by labs accredited by ILAC from non-border-sharing countries has been extended by four months, from March 31, 2024 to July 31, 2024, for the following products:

Please, note that test reports issued by foreign labs are accepted only if they are submitted within two years from the date of issuance for the above-mentioned products.

The information has been prepared by the GMA Consult Group team.

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GMA Consult Group provides a full cycle of international type approval and global market access services for IT, Telecom, and industrial electrical products in all countries throughout the world. With proven expertise in worldwide regulations, compliance, certification, and conformity assessment, GMA Consult Group can help your company speed up access to any market with almost zero efforts from your side.

Need your own guide to the world of certification and approvals? Don't hesitate to contact us via info@gma.trade.

June 10, 2024

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