Peru Postpones Implementation of New Requirements for Mandatory Certification of Energy Appliances
Peru Postpones Implementation of New Requirements for Mandatory Certification of Energy Appliances

Peru Postpones Implementation of New Requirements for Mandatory Certification of Energy Appliances

On April 6, 2019, Peruvian Government published Supreme Decree No. 009-2019-EM to postpone the date of implementation of requirements for mandatory certification established by Technical Regulation on the Energy Efficiency Labelling of Energy Using Equipment No. 009-2017-EM of 07.04.2017.

According to the new Decree, requirements to submit a Certificate of Conformity will enter into force gradually for the following energy appliances within the following deadlines:


  • For household lamps and similar products for general lighting — up to 210 calendar days after April 7, 2019 — till November 3, 2019  
  • For three-phase asynchronous or induction electric motors with squirrel cage rotor —up to 240 calendar days after April 7, 2019 — till December 3, 2019  
  • Up to 360 calendar days after April 7, 2019 — till April 1, 2020 — for the following products:  
  • domestic refrigeration equipment  
  • household washing machines  
  • household tumble dryers  
  • air conditioners  
  • domestic water heaters  
  • For ballasts for household and similar fluorescent lamps and boilers — up to 360 calendar days after publication — till April 1, 2020

During the transition period, importers, distributors and/or sellers must incorporate the energy efficiency label complying with the Technical Regulation and its Annexes without the need to present a certificate of conformity. Each annex contains an image of the Energy Efficiency Label for its specific product.

For the whole transition period, importers, distributors and/or sellers are also subject to inspection and respective sanctions in case of non-compliance with items 12.2 i), ii) and iii) of the Technical Regulation. They may use national or international accredited or non-accredited testing laboratories to carry out the tests and/or evaluations necessary to report the information and comply with the Energy Efficiency Labeling requirements.

The official document is available here.

May 21, 2019

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